I keep looking for smiles, maybe I find a meaning behind one of them

This month was my first anniversary in this city. It passed unnoticed. My mind has been occupied, with personal and work-related matters, but I hope I will have a chance to empty it. I need to visit nature more regularly, somehow I have lost that habit. I do small walks in the nearby areas, I try to pay attention to details, to find meaning in the senselessness around me. Some things telling me that it, or better yet, everything, matters. All I found this far is this. Perhaps it matters as it made me smile?

About mufinki

This blog started as a part of a research project about feelings and thoughts related to taking photographs. The project made me realize how taking photographs makes the memories stronger, not just because of the picture, but also because of the feelings present when you take it. The photographs don't only remind you of the place or the event, but what you felt and thought when you were there. In that way, photographing makes the memories, and also the world, more meaningful. This blog is an attempt to make sense of the world, not with good, or even decent, photographs, but by capturing the fleeting moments of taking them and reminding myself to keep taking pictures, even bad ones.
Kategoria(t): Uncategorized. Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.

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